Indian Textile Accessories and Machinery Manufacturers Association

Journal of Textile Science & Engineering

A Study of Developing Skill Matrix System for Ready Made Garments Industries of Bangladesh


Author(s): Nizam Engr. Md. Eanamul Haque*, Ali Mahmud Nishad, Asharaf Ahmed and Md. Jubayer Ahmed

The soul of this industry is its skillful workers and to determine the workers areas of skill and efficiency an effective visual tool is used in the industry known as Skill matrix. Skill matrix is basically a visual tool that shows the tasks and skills required for specific roles and the current competency and skill level of each employee for each task. In Bangladesh, specific skill matrix system is absence. Few garments factory practice their own method to evaluate the workers and staff. Because of this reasons most of the miscommunication has occurred in this RMG factories as a results industrial violence concurred. In this project, the research team collected data’s of different garment factories skill matrix and have compared the methods of gathering these data also gathered the assessment or grading system of these factories and determined critical points and criteria and Performances on which basis an employee/workers salary, promotion is evaluated. After analysis those critical points the research team proposed a new skill matrix evaluating system for RMG industry of Bangladesh. This system will reduce the miscommunication with labor and factory owner ultimately will reduce the factory violence.