Indian Textile Accessories and Machinery Manufacturers Association

Journal of Textile Science & Engineering

Develop and Compare New Software Based on "Lord" Equations to Calculate Fineness and Maturity Parameters by Using "HVI" Instrument


Author(s): Abeer S Arafa

This present study was conducted to explore the possibility of utilizing the data of the “HVI” instrument to estimate the fiber fineness and maturity parameters of Egyptian cotton, corresponding to the same parameters provided by both of “Micro-mat” instrument and Image Analyzer. 15 of Egyptian genotypes produced by Cotton Research Institute, Giza, Egypt, as well as two of Upland cotton samples from Sudan were used in this study during the 2012 season. The samples were tested by using the HVI, Micro-mat and the Image Analyzer instruments. Data of the degree of thickening, area of secondary cell wall, and perimeter showed that no significant difference between its means, excellent correlation and determining factor between both of the Image analysis data and the data extracted from the equation used for HVI software. Thus, it could easy to add new characters to the HVI output data and simulate both of the Micro-mat and Image analyzer instruments successfully. This equation will save time, efforts, labors and energy.