Indian Textile Accessories and Machinery Manufacturers Association

Journal of Textile Science & Engineering

Improvement of Jute Packages to Resist Insects during Storage of Bean Seeds


Author(s): R. H. Morsy Azzam, M. A. Sorour and A. S. Elmahrouky

The most important factor for obtaining good fiber is the strength of adhesion between fiber and polymer. Jute bags were treated with aqueous extracts from two insecticidal plants, Chenopodium ambrosioides and Lantana camara, to reduce damage to stored bean seeds by Acanthoscelides obtectus. The hydrophobic nature of jute bags makes it difficult to adhere to plants extract due to the presence of hydroxyl groups in various constituents of jute and treatment of jute bags with sodium hydroxide (5%) alleviate such problem. Infested bean seeds were kept in small treated jute bags (infestation rate 1%) and stored for six months in order to evaluate the protection efficiency of the fabric against damage to bean seeds. Alkali jute bags were treated with different concentrations of L.camara and C. ambrosiodes extract (10, 20, 30, 40%), The least percent of bean seed damaged 2.5% was recorded for alkali jute bags treated with 40% L.camara extract.